AI-Med Lab. @ GIST
Artificial Intelligence on MEDical application Lab.
Welcome to the Laboratory of artificial intelligence on medical applications (P.I. Prof. Mansu Kim) at the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST).Our research interests include machine learning, imaging genetics, medical image computing, bioinformatics, and biomedical data science.
The goal is twofold: (1) advance computer science and bioinformatics by developing novel algorithms for analyzing large-scale heterogeneous data sets; and (2) provide important new insights into the phenotypic characteristics and genetic mechanisms of normal and/or disordered biological structures and functions to impact the development of new diagnostic, therapeutic and preventive approaches.
Applications: Imaging genetics association/integration analysis; Sparse modeling; Feature extraction; Bio-medical image processing; Application for machine learning approach; Bioinformatics; Interpretable deep neural network.
(2024.12) A manuscript, entitled "CXR-LLAVA: a multimodal large language model for interpreting chest X-ray images", has been accepted to European Radiology 2024. Congrats Jiwon (석사 4기)!! 🎉 (IF: 4.7, Top 10.5%)
(2024.11) Gunwoo (석사 2기) has received the "Best Paper Award (Bronze)" at the 2024 Annual Conference of the Korean Society of Medical and Biological Engineering. Congrats, Gunwoo! 🎉
(2024.10) A manuscript, entitled "MFTrans: A Multi-Resolution Fusion Transformer for Robust Tumor Segmentation in Whole Slide Images", has been accepted to WACV 2024. Congrats Sungkyu (석박통합 4기)!! 🎉
(2024.10) Hongyiel (석박통합 4기) has received the "Best Paper Award" at the 2024 Annual Conference of the Korean Society of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. Congrats, Hongyiel! 🎉
(2024.10) A manuscript, entitled "Prognostic model for predicting Alzheimer’s disease conversion using functional connectivity manifolds", has been accepted to Alzheimers Research & Therapy (IF: 7.9, Top 4.2%)
(2024.09) A manuscript, entitled "Domain Aware Multi-Task Pre-Training of 3D Swin Transformer for Brain MRI", has been accepted to ACCV 2024. Congrats, Mansu!! 🎉
(2024.09) Welcome Juhyong Oh, Nahee Je, and Hanjun Choi to the lab.
(2024.06) A manuscript has been accepted to IJCAI workshop on Human Brain Artifical Intelligence, entitled "Brain-Aware Readout Layers in GNNs: Advancing Alzheimer’s early Detection and Neuroimaging". Congrats Jiwon (석사 3기)!! 🎉
(2024.03) Welcome Jinkyu Park and Gunwoo Bae to the lab.
(2024.05) Our lab. has been awarded a research grant from MOTIE(산업자원통상부, 900M Won) for 5 years
(2024.09) Welcome Sumin Roh to the lab.
(2023.05) Seunga (석사 1기) has received the "Best Paper Award" at the 2023 Annual Conference of the Korean Society of Medical and Biological Engineering. Congrats, Seunga! 🎉
(2023.03) Welcome Hongyiel Suh, Sungkyu Yang, Seunga Lee, and Jinwon Youn to the lab.
(2023.01) AIMed Lab. @ GIST is open!
Mansu Kim will join Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) as an Assistant Professor (tenure track) in the Graduate Schole of Artificial Intelligence.(2022.10) Mansu Kim has received an "Cancer research program" as PI from MedRIC, entitled "Development of AI based algorithsm using life log signal acquired from wearable activity tracker to evaluate and prevent the unexpected events in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy" (2022-2025, 250M Won)
(2022.05) Mansu Kim has received an "Basic research program" as PI from NRF-Korea, entitled "Brain tissue-specific imaging genetic analysis of identifying quantitative phenotypes in Alzheimer's Disease" (2022-2025, 150M won)
(2022.02) A manuscript has been accepted to Medical Image Anaysis as first author, entitled "Multi-task learning based structured sparse canonical correlation analysis for brain imaging genetics" (IF=13.828, Top 1%)
(2021.09) AIMed Lab. @ Catholic University of Korea is open!